Hoëla Barbedette : Harp with quarter-tones levers, voice

On her solo program, Hoëla explores her instrument, regarding the repertoire (folk music from Brittany, Sweden, Scotland or Greece and compositions of her own) as well as the ways of playing, the sound, the arrangements, the improvisation… and the use of her « quarter-ton lever » harp which allows her to play modal scales inspired by the scales of the old folk singers.
A very pleasant concert that suits small audiences as well as big – with the help of amplification if required. A music that she also recorded on her albums Cerisier (2015) and Roc’h an Burtul (2021).

Hoela played her solo there :
Festival Fisel (Rostrenen, France), Harfensommer (Lauterbach, Germany), Harfentreffen (Lauterbach, Germany), Festival Musique et Traditions (Martine, Belgium), Festival Harpes d’Exil (Caen, France), Musik Académie de Gand (Belgium), Rencontres Internationales de Harpe Celtique (Dinan, France), La Lampisterie (Brassac-les-Mines, France), Festival Harpes de Taranis (Cordes-sur-Ciel, France), and in pubs, libraries, gardens, barns, lounges, boats…



Hoela Barbedette-4-Eric Legret